Time is running out

By Kimberlene Ericka - 12:07:00 AM

We convey the impression that we have a lifetime to do all the the things we dream of doing.

(Photo from Google)

We allow ourselves to get distracted by earthly desires that we often forget what we really want. What makes us truly happy? What is our purpose?

We consume most of our days spending time with the wrong people, doing things that are irrelevant and wasting energies on things that are undeserving of our attention.

But really... Why are we even here? To get a job that pays well, to multiply a family, to own the latest technology, to posses majority of stocks and properties? Is that what we aim for? Or just spend our lifetime smiling at people, giving a hand, building good relationships and traveling places or moments.

What life is really all about? Let's sum it up in a phrase, being happy. Life is all about being happy.

Materialistic things does not determine long-term happiness. Relationships and experiences are great foundation of life. It doesn't really matter who you are or where you're from as long as you've lived a happy and purposeful expedition, you will bid life good bye without regrets. Three things we should remember in our journey: we can't be happy alone, we can't be happy all the time and we can be happier than we are today. (Dan Gilbert, In this Emotional Life)

We have to weigh what are the important things to us. We might think that we have eternity to do everything we want as we wish, allowing us to get astray in the moment. But the truth is, time is running out.

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