'Loyalty' an endangered word

By Kimberlene Ericka - 4:23:00 PM

Do you believe that for the next centuries to come, the word 'loyalty' may not exist in our vocabulary anymore? 

Words that are rarely used are considered obsolete. (ref. dictionary.com)

The very existence of loyalty will be gone because human beings fail to practice it nowadays. Imagine what would life be like without it? Nah, I'm kidding.

My intro was about the the idea of cheaters and that the only beings that remain loyal are the dogs

(Random Photos with my Aston)

I am a certified dog lover

Aston is a shih tzu. He is the greatest gift I have ever received on my birthday from my bestfriend.
He is sweet, energetic, compassionate, loving and I could write down a bunch of  adjectives to describe a dog but you get what I mean... If dogs were humans, the world would be a paradise.... But life isn't as simple as that.

Dog lovers are different from dog owners. Dog lovers appreciate them and the latter are people afraid to be lonely. Dogs are angels who chose to have  fur instead of wings. (Google)

I always consider that people with dogs are exceptionally blessed than others who don't. We know for sure that someone is there to love you with all of his heart for the rest of his life more than he could ever love himself. Times when you feel lonely, he will comfort you. Times when you're sad, he will make you smile. Times when you are stressed, he will lick and tickle you to take all your stress away. Times when you feel cold, he will cuddle you. Times when you are in danger, he will protect you. Times when you are happy, he will laugh with you. He will be your companion, your listener and your best friend. Nobody will be more loyal to you than your dog.

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