The Kind of Success Everyone Wants To Achieve

By Kimberlene Ericka - 4:49:00 PM

If you take a good look at your life would you consider it successful?

To tell you honestly, it is not hard for anyone to achieve success unless you are too ambitious. The thing is ambitious people tend to set goals that aren't realistic to begin with and will end up full of disappointments when they aren't living to their expectations yet - that gives them the feeling of failure.

We all live in a materialistic world that we often forgot what it really means to live and be successful.

People often identify success as wealth. If you have properties, high-end cars, profitable business or in short you are worth billions you'll be considered successful.

Or in simpler ways:

If you graduated on time; your other batchmate failed some of their subjects they had to enroll for another semester, others got pregnant before they graduated, some didn't have enough money to enroll for the last semester.

If you got a high-paying job; you got a job that fits the course you took, your friends have been unemployed for over a year now, your friends fall into the pit of call center (which I don't understand why people discriminate them when their job is actually hard to do).

But success isn't ridiculously defined by anything of those above.. True success is something you feel within. Rather than equate success to wealth, true success is actually the feeling of contentment and/or happiness after you attain a certain achievement in your life - be it being a mother, or graduating after studying for a long time, getting any kind of decent job, even passing the board exam last in your class, or anything really. 

True success is achieving something after you wholeheartedly gave your best. It doesn't have to be big or extraordinary as long as you put your best effort into it, it is a success! It doesn't even matter if you did it or not, as they say the journey is more important than the destination itself. Success is the feeling of happiness that you get by doing something.

"Success means doing the best we can with what we have. Success is the doing, not the getting; in trying, not the triumph. Success is a personal standard, reaching for the highest that is in us, becoming all that we can be."
- Zig Ziglar

To truly find success, you first need to find the happiness and contentment in your heart because those are the key.

Success comes to people who knows how to appreciate the little things.

Here are 7 Fundamental Rules For Life by Bright Side to help us in achieving success in our lives:

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