Change is Intimidating

By Kimberlene Ericka - 6:14:00 PM

(Photo from Google)

Change is a modification to one's situation, may it be physical or mental.

People are CONTROL FREAKS. We tend to determine how our world is supposed to be. We make plans for the future. We've written a whole book of our life goals before we even start. People have lived all their lives planning things out: graduate school, get your dream job, buy your own house, get a car, get married, and have kids.

People are afraid of change. If you haven't finished school yet, why? If you haven't gotten a job yet, why? If you haven't moved out of your parents house yet. why? If you aren't married yet, why? There is a constant WHY thrown to us just because we failed to be one of them, we failed to be ordinary

Change frightens us because we never know exactly what are we gonna get. If we let that happen, we may end up settling for less than we deserve simply because we are so afraid of that change.

Successful people did not live the ordinary life because they let change come into their lives. Don't be disappointed with yourself if you haven't gotten things right today because in time it will be. Nobody had a one shot and got a perfect life. We all have to work for it.

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