When being quiet becomes "wrong"

By Kimberlene Ericka - 4:13:00 PM

Being loud is considered rude, we forget that being quiet has its own detriment.

We often tell somebody to watch their mouth for they might say things that could hurt other people or things that they might regret in the future.

I consider myself reserved and a quiet person. When I am in a place with lots of people, I'd rather stay quiet and listen to them. Not that I am weird but because I always like to know them before I talk and get comfortable. The least thing I want is to say things that could harm them. And one of the reasons is I am shy. When I get to know people better they'd see my fun side as well. I believe building up "REAL" relationship takes "TIME". I am a person that wants to have true friendships rather than just being acquainted to a lot of people.

But often times people like me, reserved and quiet are misunderstood.

Especially me. 

I have one of the most mataray (snobbish/bitch-like) face you could see. I always get judged for how my face look and by my quietness.

I was talking to my boyfriend last night about what I have discovered. One of my relatives misjudged me for being quiet and she was convinced that I did things I didn't really do. She was suspicious of me. I knew there was something wrong in the latter time when I was with her. I decided to keep quiet because I didn't want to disturb nor bother her. She said to my mom I was "too much", too much of a trouble, maybe. Those times when I was there, I didn't talk much but I was surprised she had a lot of things to say about me. My boyfriend told me, to let them know that it was a false accusation. I didn't really do the things that they were suspicious about. But I didn't want to. I didn't want to clear out my name. I still want to keep quiet. Not because I agree to what they think of me, but because I believe if they were a true person, a true family, a true friend they will give me the benefit of the doubt. They shouldn't let their suspicions convince them without asking me or without seeking the truth.

Quiet and not able to protect myself from what they think of me could be a bad thing. But for me, it is security. From this kind of situation you will know for sure who you'd like to be part of your life. As for her, I am giving her my benefit of the doubt to why she misjudged me without substantial basis.

This is one of the reasons why I love kids. Kids are innocent, not judgmental, accept for who you truly are, forgive because they know people weren't perfect, and truly loves.

It is ironic that children of young age knows more than what adults could ever understand from life.

Most of the people would prefer extrovert, not realizing how special can an introvert be. Introvert needs time to build up because relationship with them are stronger.

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