The Virtue of Love

By Kimberlene Ericka - 7:19:00 PM

Courtship has long been dead. In the modern and fast paced generation of today, looking for a partner wouldn't be a problem because it is as easy as one swipe or a text away. We forgot how it feels to wait for the person we truly love.

Why waiting is important in the the relationship?

1. Waiting reveals true Motives

Waiting has a manner of exposing the best and worst in us. Men who aren't interested in an honest and long-term relationship won't wait long. They like shortcuts to every success. Men wait if they think women is worth their time. If they aren't willing to wait that long for you he doesn't deserve your time either. 

2. Waiting is Persistence

In spite of obstacles and discouragements, he will build up his patience. This proves that he is worthy of choice.

3. Waiting gives us Anticipation

The "waiting" stage will give us something to prepare for, look forward to and be excited about. We give more importance and appreciation to things the longer we have to wait for them. We tend to treasure and take care of it more because of the time we have invested in it.

Waiting is an important attitude in a relationship. It builds our character and our love towards our partner. Don't be pissed waiting for the right love or for the word 'yes' because you will eventually realize that all the wait you've done is totally worth it.

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