20 going on 30

By Kimberlene Ericka - 5:00:00 PM

Twenty's, not too young but not too old.

When you graduate from school, next you look for a job. People say that twenty's is the age to focus on your career. I don't think so.... For me, twenty's is the age of adventure! There are a lot of life experiences best done early in our lives. But what are the major things we need to accomplish in our twenty's? Here are some of them! Fill in your 10 personal bucket list before you turn Thirty!

1. Find a job that you are passionate about.

2. Visit a new place.

3. Travel the world ALONE.

4. Work, save and invest.

5. Be healthy.

6. Move out of your parents' house.

7. Help someone.

8. Re-build your relationship with your family and old friends.

9. Experiment in cooking.

10. Know some words from a different language.

11. Overcome some of your fears.

12. Go bunjee jumping or cliff diving or skydiving.

13. Live a day or two with nature. Go camping or hiking.

14. Know when to say No.

15. Spend a week or a month saying YES.

16. Be confident of who you are. Follow your guts.

17. Take risk.

18. Reward yourself something fancy because you deserve it.

19. Make a NY resolution and make sure you make it happen.

20. Be in a serious love-relationship.

Then make your own 10 personal bucket list to add up 30! =)

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