The Better Option

By Kimberlene Ericka - 3:07:00 PM

There will always be a point in our lives where we have to make an incredibly hard decisions.

The most common would be, "what major am I going to take?", "what do I want to be in the future?".

Investment Banker or a Guidance Counselor.

Most of you would choose the Investment Banker because it involves more money and in demand so it would be the practical choice. But would you believe me, if I tell you that these works are equally the same? 

Becoming an Investment Banker is an excellent choice as well as becoming a Counselor. It all depends on WHO is the one making the choice.

For example:

Which food is better than the other?

Many of you would think, the obvious answer will be the lobster. But would you believe me when I say those two meals were of the same value?

If you are a man you'd choose the lobster because it best suits your taste. If you're a man with allergies in seafood, obviously you wouldn't choose the lobster. If you are a boy you'd rather choose the fried chicken over the lobster because lobster take so much effort when we eat them and it's rare to find children who appreciates seafood. 

Do you get the point?

We can list all the positive and negatives sides of the choices we are choosing from, but there will never be a better option. There will just be a perfect fit to you as well as for the others

Don't be a drifter. A person who is drifted to the path where society, family or friends led him. Don't let them be the authors of you life, be the author yourself. Don't let them dictate to you the person they wanted you to be rather decide for yourself who you want to be.

Take the Banking job because it pays more but it doesn't really make you happy. Take the job in counseling because you thought it is easier. But it made your life worst because it wasn't fit for you. So what good can it make if you chose something that is more practical for society but isn't practical for you?

Doing so only wastes our time, energy and skills.

If you choose something that you are passionate about it is easier for us to do the job wholeheartedly.

Same goes with relationships. You cannot be in a relationship with someone just because they tell you he's the perfect guy for you: got the money, the car, stable job or whatever. Be sure to follow what really is in your heart.

We shouldn't respond to the reasons dictated to us rather support the reason created by us because there are no better alternatives out there.

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