How Dare You?

By Kimberlene Ericka - 11:40:00 AM

Someone I know compared her unlimited-on-and-off-relationship with her unfaithful boyfriend to Popoy and Basha, the main characters in the story "One More Chance" movie and the only reaction I have is "Don't you dare one-more-chance me!"

Here's a summary of the movie,

Start of their relationship:

Popoy and Basha were sweethearts from college and in a serious relationship for 5 years.

Reason of their break-up:

Popoy became controlling; Basha wanted to make her own life decisions.

Other Woman:

Popoy had a girlfriend named, Trish after Basha broke up with him.

Back Together:

Popoy and Basha separated for a time being. Popoy came back from Dubai. Even from the time they were apart, they realized they still love each other and got back together.

Often times people are inspired by movies but merely focuses on the ending instead of valuing the whole lesson learned from a close-to-reality-love-story. Not because the characters in the movie got back together and ended in a happy ending, it will also apply to your love life. You have to make sure that you have what Popoy and Basha have, before you make a claim.

Popoy and Basha have true love.
They never betrayed each other during their relationship.
They let time heal their wounds
They gave space between them to learn from their mistakes.
And after all that happened their hearts lead them back together.

It is very rare for me to like a Filipino romantic movie and I only had One More Chance in mind, not even A Second Chance took its spot in my heart. And for someone who has a rotten relationship compare herself and her unfaithful boyfriend to my Basha and Popoy?


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