A Match Made in Heaven.

By Kimberlene Ericka - 9:14:00 PM

My Engagement Ring!!!

My best friend, now my fiance.

21st of November 2005, a teenage girl made one of the biggest decisions ever.... to let a boy be part of her life.

They grew up together as best of friends, as brother and sister, as teammates and as partners in crimes. They always have each others' back.

Little did they know that after ten amazing years, the boy and the girl, now a man and a woman will make another decision that will permanently tie their lives together.

21st of November 2015, the proposal felt surreal. We were near the harbour, the sun was up, the wind was cold, your hand sweating, your breathlessness, your teary beautiful eyes and you're down on your knees in front of The White Chapel - Auberge;

There's no one there to take photos of us the moment you were proposing to me!

You uttered:
"Kim, happy tenth anniversary. Ikaw lang ang babaeng pangarap ko, ang mahal ko, ang buhay ko at wala na akong ibang mahihiling pa kundi ang makasama ka magpasawalang hanggan. Will you marry me? Bago mo sagutin, Will you marry me - a man who can only give you a simple life, provide you enough, love you wholly, treasure our future kids and will make you smile everyday? Sapat na ba sayo na ganito lang ako?"

(Kim, happy tenth anniversary. You are the only woman I dream of, my love, my life and I couldn't ask for anything more than to be with you forever. Will you marry me? Before you answer that, Will you marry me - a man who can only give you a simple life, provide you enough, love you wholly, treasure our future kids and will make you smile everyday? Am I enough for you?)

And I started crying because it wasn't enough. He is not 'just enough'. He is incredibly PERFECT. He is awesome, amazing and definitely MORE than enough. I hope he could actually see how I see him or see how he sees me. But that's the point of having a partner, right? They see the best in us and help us bring it out.

As I was explaining how amazing he is, I forgot to answer his question. And he was like........"Soooo, is that a yes?" (confused with his one eyebrow up!) He was too cute I couldn't say no and of course I love him very much with all my heart. It's a big YES!!!

It was a perfect day with a perfect man that is a match made in heaven for me.

You're probably thinking it was the simplest and effortless proposal ever.

No. It was a ten-year-proposal - full of sincerity, love, patience, faith and perseverance.

The days when he would seat beside me under the tree in our high school and do all the things I would ask him to do (like singing our national anthem haha!), when he would carry my stuff like a true gentleman, when he would fetch me at my house to go on dates, when he would buy meals for three because I wasn't allowed to go out without my little sister, when he would walk home late at night with the absence of streetlights from Ruby to Ridgeview (because he has to accompany me home after our dates), when he would listen to my drama over the telephone every single night during my rough days in college (not to mention, he had to wait every 3 minutes to extend the call; we were only allowed to use the landline for 3 minutes back in our condorm), when he would travel from Muntinlupa to Espanya to help me carry my laundries, when he would cook food for me so I won't get hungry, when he would drive me wherever I want to go, when he put all my stress away, when he helped me carry my burdens, when he didn't give up on our long distance relationship for 3 LOOONG years, when he would fly here for 5 days just to see me smile, when he exerted too much effort to reach out to my strict parents, when he would offer great conversation because he knows communication is the key for LDR, when he traveled from Muntinlupa to Pampanga to Hong Kong during the APEC season just to be with me on our 10th anniversary because all he wanted is to make me very happy, when he loved me more even I gained 4x my initial weight and when I had my depression he never left my side. 

And so much more... this post wouldn't be enough to justify how incredible he is as a person.

We have arguments too but we realized that our love is greater than anything we can argue about. We learned how to be patient and understanding with each other because we believe nothing can tear us apart as long as we stand by each other. And if we ever fight, we will make sure that it is not a fight between us but a fight against all odds. Tried and tested!

True love waits, I can now tell you how factual it is. Waiting was the best thing we did. You probably think we are the corniest couple but I tell you the truth , we've waited for so long....and now that we have finally decided to take this relationship to the next level, it felt very magical and a pure bliss, I couldn't even find the right words to describe how I felt, how we felt.

How gorgeous!!!!

I am definitely sure that we will live a happy life together with God's guidance and support from our families and friends.

Watch our compiled videos below, November 2015 @ Hong Kong and Macau!

Thank you for watching!!!! We love you all!!

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